Quotes From "Frost Burned" By Patricia Briggs

Then he'd come back home and found out that war...
Then he'd come back home and found out that war didn't cause fear–love did. Patricia Briggs
I was going to fight vampires, and my name wasn't Buffy--I was so screwed. Patricia Briggs
Vampire politics make the very complicated dance of manners that is werewolf protocol look like the Hokey Pokey. Patricia Briggs
Werewolf games, " Mercy said solemnly, "play for keeps, or go home." She was so cute sometimes it made Adam's heart hurt. Patricia Briggs
Yes, " he said sincerely. "Such a one deserves peanut butter on the seat of his pants. Patricia Briggs
Into the breach, then. Against mobs of middle-aged moms and frightening harridans we shall prevail.” She nodded sharply, raising an invisible sword. “And damned be he–she–who cries, ‘Hold, enough! ’”“ Misquote Shakespeare in front of Samuel, I dare you, ” I told her, and she laughed. Patricia Briggs